As a sales leader, you have a lot of responsibility—and likely some aggressive numbers to hit. Between training and developing your team members, improving their appointment-setting abilities, increasing conversion rates, and working to shorten the sales cycle, you probably already have a full stack of tools dedicated to helping you achieve these goals. While adding a new one might seem daunting, one standout tool can help your sales team set more appointments with ideal customers, and it’s a fraction of the price compared to many tools you’re likely already using.
Video is one of the best sales solutions out there, and most of your competitors aren’t using it yet. I’ve outlined three tips below on the best ways that your team can use video to increase their total number of demo sets.
Add Video Inside Your Cadences
Sales leaders recognize the importance of arming their business development teams with unique and enticing sales cadences that are worthy of interaction. In your current cadences, you’ve probably incorporated a mix of phone calls, voicemails, LinkedIn messages, and emails. However, most decision-makers already receive multiple variations of these daily.
Do you know what they’re not seeing every day? Personal videos from smiling faces! As opposed to a faceless block of text that goes easily ignored by prospects, a real, authentic person will always stand out in a crowded inbox.
For the sales teams that have already incorporated video into their prospecting processes, they are seeing major results. For example, in a case study we conducted with an outside enterprise sales team, they saw a 56% increase in replies to cold emails by adding video.
Personalize and Provide Value with Screen Recording
Providing value is not a new concept, and it’s something that reps should be communicating to leads every single day. However, with short windows to do so, it’s often easiest for your team to show their contacts value instead of explaining it.
Your team can showcase the value your company provides with video. For example, let’s say your team sells SEO services. Your sales representatives can send videos to potential clients with their websites in the background using a screen recorder service, while speaking to their website to give prospects meaningful, tangible, and personalized tips. By giving them SEO information that they might not have realized on their own, you create an opportunity to showcase a need for them to source further information from a professional in your industry.
This can be done for a variety of different industries. The point is for the sales representative to not only bring valuable information and showcase your company as industry experts, but also to stand out while doing it with the video recording.
Evoke Emotion with the Help of Animated Previews
Once your team is actually sending videos, how can you help ensure that their videos get opened and increase their chances of setting those appointments? With BombBomb, all of your videos will be linked in the body of your email as an animated preview. The animated preview is the first three seconds of your video shown as a loop. This preview is a great way for your sales representatives to get the attention they need to land more appointments.
Some successful animated previous we’ve seen involve using a whiteboard with the prospect’s name and business logo. We’ve also seen sales representatives hold up their prospect’s favorite brand of coffee beans. Our team also uses our screen recorder in the first three seconds and showcases the contact’s website or LinkedIn page (see image below).
All of these ideas work well because they evoke emotion and curiosity. They will certainly help your team increase their chances of getting their videos played, and emails responded to. To learn more tips and tricks on how to get your team’s videos played, click here.
Final Thoughts
This is just the tip of the iceberg; there is so much more you can do with video to make it a successful touch within your sales process.If you want us to build out a customized video engagement plan for your team, visit to talk to an experienced video tactician and hear more information about how your team can be using video to improve their processes.
Steve Pacinelli is the Chief Marketing Officer for BombBomb, and co-author of Rehumanize Your Business: How Personal Videos Accelerate Sales and Improve Customer Experience. Connect with Steve on LinkedIn.