What's the purpose of this conference?
To offer a fresh perspective on a complex topic that impacts the effectiveness of your sales organization. While there is solid research that show the bottom-line benefits of a solid DEI program, many companies don't know where to begin the journey towards a healthier and happier functioning of their sales organization. The thought leaders presenting at this special event will share practical tools you can use to create a more inclusive, meaningful, and more successful sales organization.
Why should I care about this event?
To learn how companies that do this right have developed a more engaged, creative and synergistic sales team and at the same time they enjoy higher sales and better profit margins. Benefit from the best practices that the brightest minds in the industry have worked hard to create, implemented and proven successful.
Who should attend this conference?
This virtual event is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to recruit, hire, onboard, train, enable, enculturate, compensate, lead, and motivate a diverse sales organization that offers individuals from all backgrounds an opportunity to grow and prosper.
Who are the attendees I can network with?
With our virtual conferencing technology (Brella.io) you are able to meet virtually with CEOs, CROs, CSOs, VP Sales, VP Sales Enablement, VP Revenue Enablement. These high-level audience ensures that you will connect and engage with senior leaders that have the responsibility to lead a diverse team to grow and win in a highly competitive market.
How will I benefit from this conference?
Get proven strategies for building a more diverse, more equitable and more inclusive sales team. Learn how to sell to a more diverse customer base. Arm yourself with the perspectives and tools you need to execute a successful DEI strategy in your business. Walk away with the deep insights, in-depth resources and step-by-step action plans you need to succeed in your business.
What will I learn?
Our events address all aspects of the sales organization (leadership insight, daily sales-management challenges, alignment with marketing, sales enablement, sales strategy and execution, customer management, social selling, coaching sales reps, the latest industry research on sales effectiveness, and much more). For more details, please review the agenda for each upcoming event. Attendees also use our events to benchmark and reinforce their current strategy.
Check out what past attendees have said.
What is the event like?
This event is a mix of keynotes, main-stage presentations, and fireside chats. Between presentations, there's abundant opportunity for networking, and you can get demos of the latest sales-technology innovations from sponsors.
Who are the speakers?
Our speakers are a mix of senior business executives, industry analysts, thought leaders, authors, and experts in the field of sales leadership. Learn more about the speakers
Which sessions will I have access to?
Your virtual registration will give you access to all sessions, which will be streamed on July 11-12, 2023.
What are the pass options and costs?
Is there a hashtag?
The event hashtag is #s30c.
I am a registered attendee, how do I access the virtual event?
The virtual event will be hosted on Brella, a virtual event and networking app. If you are a registered attendee you will receive an email 1 days in advance of the event with instructions on how to access Brella.
Can I meet 1:1 with the Sponsors?
Yes! Brella, our virtual event and networking app, will give you the opportunity to chat and meet with our conference sponsors.
Will I have a chance to ask speakers a specific question?
Yes! This is a live, interactive event. We will open the floor to participants to ask questions of all our speakers.
How do I set up my profile and set my networking preferences?
Registered attendees will need to set up a profile on our virtual event platform, Brella. You will be sent a link with instructions roughly a week prior to the conference date and from there you will set your networking preferences.
What if I miss a session?
All sessions will be recorded. Attendees with premium passes will have access to on-demand versions of the live sessions after the event. Attendees will free passes will not have access to the session recordings, but can pay a nominal fee to upgrade their pass to gain access to the session recordings. Need to upgrade your free pass to get access to the recordings? Email us for help:
How can I get in touch with questions or for help?
What are the conference cancellation or substitution policies?
You can find the event
policies here, at the bottom of the page.