Day One: The High-Performance Sales Organization – Strategies and Tactics
For more than 20 years, Selling Power magazine has identified and researched the 50 Best Sales Organizations in North America. This is the first time we are inviting the best-of-the best (VP Sales, CROs and CSOs) to share their secrets to building a high-performance sales organization. As an attendee, you'll learn the quota-busting strategies and reality-tested sales tactics that you can apply to grow your business. Topics include best practices for improving people, process and technology.
Day Two: Best DEI Practices for Creating a High-Performance Sales Culture
While solid research demonstrates the bottom-line benefits of a robust DEI program, many companies need help knowing where to begin the journey towards a healthier and happier functioning of their sales organization. The thought leaders we have assembled for day two will share practical tools you can use to create a more inclusive, meaningful, and high-performance sales culture. Join us to learn and contribute during this actionable information-packed two-day event—network with hundreds of your peers from more than 50 countries worldwide.